Tuesday 21 September 2010

Student sues University over Grade!!

In possibly the most ridiculous news I have read in a while, a former graduate of Queen's University in Belfast has applied for a judicial review of his grade. Andrew Croskery was awarded a 2:2 degree in Electrical Engineering but alledges that he could have achieved a 2:1 with better supervision.

Mr Croskery's barrister, Tony McGleenan, said he couldn't appeal against his classification because he had already graduated from Queen's this summer.

He also added that the university's stance was not compliant with his client's human rights.

He said: "It is obviously an important case for the applicant. He avers his employment prospects have been jeopardised . . . in this competitive job market.

This case has actually been adjurned whilst the judge determines its legality. Surely this cannot be allowed to go to court. Could not anyone infer that they could have achieved a better education with better supervision or teaching? Christ, I could have passed my French Gcse with a more disciplined teacher who actually challenged me.

Should I look to get this grade amended?

On a more serious note I would suggest that a case like this is far too subjective to be fairly tried in a court of law. How can it be proven that Mr Croskery definitely would have achieved a 2:1 with better supervision? Did Mr Croskery's colleagues also suffer? Can it be proven that their grades were a fair reflection of their effort and subject knowledge? What about all of the students who have studied this course in the past, I wonder if they have had the same level of supervision? Are they going to sue?

Too many variables would account for what grade this ex student achieved and the same variables would be difficult to measure in a what if projection.

Don't get me started on this!!

1 comment:

  1. Although on a serious note a student ought to have the right of appeal agains the grade that he or she was assigned. This is essential in order to protect the Academic Integrity of our revered institutions. All thought can be challenging, radical and original although I dare say these days in our re-packaged/pre-fabricated Google Generation Culture that original thought and Discourse and critical analysis moves further away from the mainstream out into the margins of Academia. In all probabilities this student in question is not even worth a 2:2 (allegedly Your Honour)...
