Tuesday 28 September 2010

American comic reaction to Obesity

Let me start by making it very clear that I have nothing against Americans or Jamie Oliver's intentions on his recent trip stateside. I can see that he wanted to build on the good work he did in the UK in facilitating an overhaul on our School Dinner program; its quality and makeup by enjoying the same level of success in the States.

I do not doubt that the smug bastard also probably realises that you can't normally buy such positive propaganda or should that be exposure for himself in the process. You see Oliver is painting himself as some sort of crusader who is Highlighting to a nation what they already know, that their diet is appalling. He wants to change this and give the youth a chance to grow up strong and healthy unlike their obese parents, and no doubt visit one or two of his restaurants in the process.

You see I call Jamie Oliver a Smug bastard because of his cocky demeanour and his almost smarmy 'down with the kids' behaviour is something I find nauseating .....................'dude'. Nothing highlighted this better than Jamies School dinners (serialised documenatary in the UK).

However, the reaction of the Americans has been comic genius, if only they realised. I have nothing against Americans but, come on!!! Jamie was trialling a new menu in a local high school that previously just served Burger and chips. His menu consisted of freshly cooked Chicken, a stir fry with Noodles and 7 different vegtables and a huge salad bar.

He was, against all odds, winning his battle against the teens with scores of them happy with their new healthy menu. That is until the diet co-ordinator for the state interfered, looking at the food and claimed there was not a cup of Vegetables on the menu???

To satisfy this antiquated rule she placed Fries back onto the menu. Apparently Fries count as a vegetable. When a child orders processed burgers and fries, salad is optional and thus the quota is satisfied.

Is it just me or are the adults clearly set in their ways and naive to an almost comical level? A local DJ campaigned daily saying Jamie would fail because Americans like to eat what they like to eat. Stubborn for the sake of stubborn? It sounded like a toddler crying that s/he wanted their sweets and they want them now!!

Get real you are killing your kids!!  You are the most obese nation on earth and many of you do nothing to change this generation on generation cycle of death. You, the adults are in a position to change the lives of the next generation, the guys and girls who will be funding your heart operations and gastric band procedures in ten and twenty years. How come they got on board the scheme straight away and embraced changed? How come they recognise the depressing cycle that has gripped your nation and you don't?

Why should I care? Simple, what America does Britain follows. The influence of America on Bristish culture is tangible. Fashion, music, film and even the lingo have saturated out little island, I do not mind this. However, I do dislike the fact that upon the back of this Britain has climbed to the 3rd most obese nation on the planet.

Rant over!! I would be keen to hear American reactions to this. Is Jamie Oliver a saviour? Has he actually highlighted something that you had not realised, or is your conservatism such that you will not change no matter what, simply because you are American.


  1. Nevermind what the Americans think! If 'our' Jamie can chisel some vegetables into the otherwise monosaturated diet I for one am prepared to overlook his 'having a lark' approach to cuisine. By the way those American readers who would consider themselves savvy enough to spot a scam or possible scamola may wish to review the salt, sugar, and fat content of those 'lean cuisine' menus that Jamie has provided via some of our popular/ist retail outlets...

  2. I like Jamie Oliver, I agree with most things that he says and disagree entirely with you.

    On the *other* hand, I disagree with him, and agree with you.

  3. why does jamie (Arrongant dibble )oliver think that he can change the world, we've always know how to eat healthy its our choice not to.. besides we have had delia ( straight out of can ) smith preaching healthy eating for centuries!
