Tuesday 28 September 2010

American comic reaction to Obesity

Let me start by making it very clear that I have nothing against Americans or Jamie Oliver's intentions on his recent trip stateside. I can see that he wanted to build on the good work he did in the UK in facilitating an overhaul on our School Dinner program; its quality and makeup by enjoying the same level of success in the States.

I do not doubt that the smug bastard also probably realises that you can't normally buy such positive propaganda or should that be exposure for himself in the process. You see Oliver is painting himself as some sort of crusader who is Highlighting to a nation what they already know, that their diet is appalling. He wants to change this and give the youth a chance to grow up strong and healthy unlike their obese parents, and no doubt visit one or two of his restaurants in the process.

You see I call Jamie Oliver a Smug bastard because of his cocky demeanour and his almost smarmy 'down with the kids' behaviour is something I find nauseating .....................'dude'. Nothing highlighted this better than Jamies School dinners (serialised documenatary in the UK).

However, the reaction of the Americans has been comic genius, if only they realised. I have nothing against Americans but, come on!!! Jamie was trialling a new menu in a local high school that previously just served Burger and chips. His menu consisted of freshly cooked Chicken, a stir fry with Noodles and 7 different vegtables and a huge salad bar.

He was, against all odds, winning his battle against the teens with scores of them happy with their new healthy menu. That is until the diet co-ordinator for the state interfered, looking at the food and claimed there was not a cup of Vegetables on the menu???

To satisfy this antiquated rule she placed Fries back onto the menu. Apparently Fries count as a vegetable. When a child orders processed burgers and fries, salad is optional and thus the quota is satisfied.

Is it just me or are the adults clearly set in their ways and naive to an almost comical level? A local DJ campaigned daily saying Jamie would fail because Americans like to eat what they like to eat. Stubborn for the sake of stubborn? It sounded like a toddler crying that s/he wanted their sweets and they want them now!!

Get real you are killing your kids!!  You are the most obese nation on earth and many of you do nothing to change this generation on generation cycle of death. You, the adults are in a position to change the lives of the next generation, the guys and girls who will be funding your heart operations and gastric band procedures in ten and twenty years. How come they got on board the scheme straight away and embraced changed? How come they recognise the depressing cycle that has gripped your nation and you don't?

Why should I care? Simple, what America does Britain follows. The influence of America on Bristish culture is tangible. Fashion, music, film and even the lingo have saturated out little island, I do not mind this. However, I do dislike the fact that upon the back of this Britain has climbed to the 3rd most obese nation on the planet.

Rant over!! I would be keen to hear American reactions to this. Is Jamie Oliver a saviour? Has he actually highlighted something that you had not realised, or is your conservatism such that you will not change no matter what, simply because you are American.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

The top ten films from the Nineties

This morning I have set myself the difficult task of listing the top ten films of the 1990's. This list is made up of films that I still enjoy today. Fims that I believe are timeless in their quality and appeal and transcend nineties culture.

1. Pulp Fiction  

   'Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say what one more Goddamn time!'

Pulp Fiction is my favourite film ever for a number of reasons. This film for me defines the 90's and pop culture of that era and before. I believe that the multiple awards that this film achieved were deserved recogntion for the masterpiece that it is.

Pulp Fiction is so good for 3 reasons: Firstly, the cast assembled is perfect, each actor has become their character and I cannot think that anyone else could have done a better job. Stand out performances for me were, Travolta in the role that saw him resurrect his career, Samual L Jackson in his defining role and the cameo appearance of Christopher Walken in the 'Watch' section of the film.

Secondly, without doubt the dialogue in this film is at times comedy genius. I still remember heeps of quotes from this film that did and still do make me laugh.

Finally, this film possesess a cool soundtrack that is great in its own right. However, the song selections are again genius. Each song when listened to evokes images of the scene that it was set against.

2.The Usual Suspects

The film follows the interrogation of Roger "Verbal" Kint, a small-time con man who is one of only two survivors of a massacre and fire on a ship docked at the Port of Los Angeles. He tells an interrogator a convoluted story about events that lead him and four other criminals to the boat, and of a mysterious mob boss known as "Keyser Söze" who commissioned their work. Using flashback and narration, Kint's story becomes increasingly complex.

The reason why I love this film so much is the reactions of people that I watch it with who have not seen it before. The twist at the end is killer and still makes me smile today, and I know that it is coming.

3. Schindlers List

Ok,  A film that is classic in every sense of the word. It makes you think, laugh and cry all at the same time. So aside from the sentiment why is it so good?

Well, there are only a handful of films I can actually remember the time and place of my first viewing. This is one of them.

The cinematography is fantastic in the style of an old epic with the iconic little girl in a red dress set against a black and white background particularly poignant.

Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley are brilliant and Ralph Fiennes  protrays the most disturbing and essentially evil Nazi that has not been rivaled in film until Christoph Waltz's portrayal of Colonel Hans Landa the Jew Hunter in Inglorious Basterds.

4. Things to do in Denver when you're Dead.

'Give it a name'

I love this film for many reasons not least the cast which includes Steve Buscemi, Andy Garcia and Christopher Walken and its cool dialogue.

Whilst the characters are complex and multi dimensional,they are essentially human. Their character names hark back to 1930's gangster type stereotypes like 'Jimmy the Saint' referred to as 'the bitches bastard'.Or 'The man with the plan'.

It is the way the characters deal with the inevitability of their own end that that makes this film a classic and humanizes the characters. The film is punctuated by cool pop culture like catechisms such as 'Boat Drinks' or 'give it a name' which further illustrates the camaraderie and shared experiences of the main protagonists and stick in your mind.

5. 12 Monkeys

James Cole (Bruce Willis) is a convicted criminal living in a grim post-apocalyptic future. In 1996–1997, the Earth's surface was contaminated by a virus so deadly that it forced the surviving population to live underground. To earn a pardon, Cole allows scientists to send him on dangerous missions to the past to collect information on the virus, thought to be released by a terrorist organization known as the Army of the Twelve Monkeys. If possible, he is to obtain a pure sample of the original virus so a cure can be made. Throughout the film, Cole is troubled with recurring dreams involving a chase and a shooting in an airport.

This is a film that has inspired debate through the years amongst friends discussing the twist at the end and for that reason It makes number 5 on my list.

6. Goodfellas

The best Gangster film of its generation. Slick cinematography, quality actors Pesci, De Niro and Liotta forming charachters that kept your interest.

The dialogue is also pretty memorable which is possibly due to the fact that Scorcese told the principle characters to get in character and ad lib like Pesci going nuts in my favourite scene that shows his volatile temperament.

'You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?'

7. Braveheart
History Graduate loves Historical based film, Nuff said. Yeah, I love this film for its epic set pieces, the sprawling film direction and sensationalised cheese (sentimentality). Still a film I love and can think of no better Historical yarn of the period.
8. Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs is a 1992 American crime film and the debut of director and writer Quentin Tarantino. It depicts the events before and after a botched diamond heist, though not the heist itself. Reservoir Dogs stars an ensemble cast with Harvey Keitel, Steve Buscemi, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Chris Penn, and Lawrence Tierney. Tarantino has a minor role, as does criminal-turned-author Eddie Bunker. It incorporates many themes and aesthetics that have become Tarantino's hallmarks: violent crime, pop culture references, memorable dialogue, profuse profanity, and a nonlinear storyline.

So why do I love this film? See Pulp Fiction for my reasons, cast, dialogue, soundtrack all awesome.

9. and 10
Trainspotting and the Shawshank Redemption make up my top ten films of the 90's.
Other notable exceptions would be  Leon and Killing Zoe.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Student sues University over Grade!!

In possibly the most ridiculous news I have read in a while, a former graduate of Queen's University in Belfast has applied for a judicial review of his grade. Andrew Croskery was awarded a 2:2 degree in Electrical Engineering but alledges that he could have achieved a 2:1 with better supervision.

Mr Croskery's barrister, Tony McGleenan, said he couldn't appeal against his classification because he had already graduated from Queen's this summer.

He also added that the university's stance was not compliant with his client's human rights.

He said: "It is obviously an important case for the applicant. He avers his employment prospects have been jeopardised . . . in this competitive job market.

This case has actually been adjurned whilst the judge determines its legality. Surely this cannot be allowed to go to court. Could not anyone infer that they could have achieved a better education with better supervision or teaching? Christ, I could have passed my French Gcse with a more disciplined teacher who actually challenged me.

Should I look to get this grade amended?

On a more serious note I would suggest that a case like this is far too subjective to be fairly tried in a court of law. How can it be proven that Mr Croskery definitely would have achieved a 2:1 with better supervision? Did Mr Croskery's colleagues also suffer? Can it be proven that their grades were a fair reflection of their effort and subject knowledge? What about all of the students who have studied this course in the past, I wonder if they have had the same level of supervision? Are they going to sue?

Too many variables would account for what grade this ex student achieved and the same variables would be difficult to measure in a what if projection.

Don't get me started on this!!

Lee Ryan- Stop The Rain


Back before the days of Blue and Will Young's X Factor adventures an ambitious but penniless songwriter had a dream. That dream was to put together a boy band. Singers with talent that would showcase the middle aged song writers ability. This would be the path to the music industry. To make it!

Granada got on board and filmed the recording process aired on This Morning. So what went wrong? Why was the song not released?

Well, the big boys from established record labels poached Lee Ryan from this band and inserted him into a certain Blue.

I believe in Karma and believe that this song is great and should be released to give the aspiring songwriter who tried to give the kid his brake originally some recognition.

Stop the Rain Video

The Songwriter's name is Ben Bellamacina whose work can be found at www.last.fm/music/Ben+Bellamacina.
I remember when this song was recorded. The fantastic excitment within the family when My dad and Uncle (songwriters) took the band to the studio. The air of expectation waiting for the documentary on ITV that would be aired. A consequence of the ITV film crew recording the entire process.

Then nothing.

My uncle has been thwarted at every attempt to get this recording released. He has been very reasonable and offered a representative ofLee Ryan the opportunity to re-record it. I believe that larger organisations within this industry have a monopoly on  what is released. My uncle was practically told he would be 'shut down' if he did not behave and leave this alone.

I would love for Lee Ryan to have the opportunity to comment.

Monday 20 September 2010

An Important Day

In 1633 Galileo Galilei was tried before the congregation for the doctrine of the faith for teaching that the earth orbits the sun.

I am sure that the above date proved an important, pivotal even, day in the life of the aformentioned scientist. I would also suggest that this date is important in History. The history of science, religion and humankind. But is this issue relevant today? or is it just 'history', the past?

I am just struck by the relevance of this issue today. Galileo was essentially persecuted for his beliefs. Beliefs that he believed were based on fact. How much have we really moved on? This is the technological age where we are looking at building commercial flights to the International Space Station. Everybody owns a 'Smartphone' and digital technology is moving forward at an amazing speed.

Even in 2010 persecution is still rife. A Seattle Cartoonist has now changed her name and gone into hiding as a result of death threats from Islamic extremists. What was her crime? To simply produce a satirical piece on the prophet Mohammed, Peace be upon Him.

I think the fundamental similarity here is that despite the fact that we live in a society based upon the premise of freedom of speech; human nature is such that people do not react rationally when confronted by ideas that are too different from there own.

I would like to hear from anyone about their thoughts on this matter, or with examples of when they have witnessed or experienced a level of persecution/hostility due to their ideas.